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Frequently asked questions

Are the requests from HomeGuide real?

Yes, all the requests on HomeGuide are made by real customers. We ask each customer about a dozen questions so we can match them with the right pros. If you ever run into suspicious activity, please let us know.

How do customers find HomeGuide?

We work hard to ensure people all over the U.S. know about us. Customers find us by searching online or by word of mouth.

How do I meet new customers through HomeGuide?

We send you new requests that match your preferences as soon as they come in. If you're interested in a particular customer, you respond with a personalized quote.

Can I actually find a pro on HomeGuide?

Absolutely. Thousands of pros in every state use HomeGuide to meet new customers. You can communicate freely, read reviews, and compare profiles to ensure you hire the pro who is right for you.

Are you a five-star pro?

Create a profile to reach millions of clients.

  • Attract and engage new customers.
  • Build and strengthen your online reputation.
  • Get the tools you need to run a successful business.